Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Inspection Report Explained
In accordance with federal legislation, Pullman School District has complied with Environmental Protection Agency regulations concerning asbestos-containing materials and completed AHERA inspections and management plans for all buildings.
The inspection uncovered some nonfriable and friable asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) in school district buildings. Friable ACBMs have been encapsulated, encased or otherwise protected in accordance with federal (AHERA) and state WISHA laws. Nonfriable ACBMs are regulated in accordance with all federal and state laws.
Copies of the AHERA inspection report and management plan for school district buildings are available for public review at the maintenance and operations building during regular business hours.
Any questions regarding asbestos-containing materials in our schools should be directed to our Maintenance Supervisor, Michael Bessey at (509) 334-5586 or [email protected] or the Executive Director of Operations, Juston Pollestad, Pullman School District's designated AHERA representative, at (509)332-3581 or [email protected].