Pullman Schools Pantry Program

A supplemental food program to support the health of Jefferson families in need. Hunger negatively impacts the ability to learn. Many circumstances in life can lead families to struggle in accessing enough food. This program is meant to supplement the food available to Jefferson students, and their siblings, during weekends and long school breaks. We want to create better learning situations for Jefferson students. Healthy, full students are able to focus, resulting in better learning.

Who is the program for?

Any Jefferson elementary student, plus their younger siblings who are not yet enrolled in school. To join the program, fill out the Pullman Schools Pantry program registration form and return it in your student's school folder or to the front office of Jefferson elementary.

When is Pullman Schools Pantry?

During the school year. Food packs will be distributed once per week, before school dismissal on the last day of the school week.

What about confidentiality?

We understand confidentiality is a concern. All registration information will be kept in strict privacy. We will not track, store, or distribute personal information. Our goal is to distribute food to students in a quick, easy manner so that the distribution of food is kept confidential. Those enrolled in the program will discreetly receive a brown paper bag of snacks on Friday afternoons. The small bag will discreetly fit into school backpacks for transport home.

Interested in Volunteering?

The Pullman Schools Pantry Program can always use more volunteers to help.

If you are interested in helping to pack and distribute snack bags, please visit our volunteer sign-up page: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409054fadad28a2ff2-pullman.

In addition to packing and distributing snack bags, there are many other ways to be involved with this program. Please fill out the Volunteer Form to indicate ways you are interested in getting involved with this program: